When Summer Ends Page 6
He pulled up outside and cut the engine. “Are you going to invite me in to warm me up?” he flirted.
“Sure why not. My parents are home so as long as you’re okay with getting warmed up with them there,” I agreed, nodding to their car in the drive.
He smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt reaching for the door handle. Wait, what? Is he serious? I started to panic. I couldn’t have my dad scare him off yet. “Whoa, bit early for meet the parents,” I said quickly.
He laughed incredulously. “You met mine yesterday,” he countered, shrugging easily, not looking phased by meeting my parents at all.
I gulped and nodded. “Yeah but your parents didn’t threaten to cut my genitalia off like my dad will,” I stated, watching as that sank in.
His hand moved back off of the door handle as he grinned sheepishly. “Okay fine, we’ll leave it for tonight then.”
I giggled. “Wimp,” I joked, leaning over and pressing my lips to his again. He tangled his hand into the back of my hair making my whole body burn and thrum with excitement. Jeez how the hell is he doing this to me? How can he just waltz into my life and make me feel like this? This isn’t fair.
“So… tomorrow night?” he asked hopefully as I pulled away.
I nodded grinning as I jumped out of his jeep and practically skipped up the drive to my house. I turned at the door and waved before letting myself in the house. I sighed contentedly as I heard his car pull away. A happy smile was painted on my face as I skipped into the kitchen to arrange my flowers.
My mom came into the kitchen while I was putting the finishing touches to my flowers. “What on earth happened to you?” she asked with wide eyes as she took in my dishevelled and icy form.
I sighed dreamily. “I had the best date ever, that’s what happened,” I gushed, smiling. I picked up the vase and headed towards my room, kissing her cheek on the way past. “Goodnight. Love you, Mom,” I said before dancing up the stairs.
Chapter Four
Over the course of a week and a half I saw Will every single night, apart from Friday and Saturday because he worked at the club those nights. On those two days we went out for lunch instead as he said he still wanted to see me.
It had honestly been the best ten days of my life. Every date he had taken me out on had been different. There were some traditional things like the movies and dinner or picnics in the park. He’d introduced me to his friends at a house party; they were all really nice and easy to get along with, even though they were all man-whore flirts from what I could tell.
There were also some not so traditional dates. He took me to a football game. To the batting cages, but personally I think that one was just an excuse to wrap his arms around me while he taught me how to bat correctly. We went for a walk along the beach; we even went to the stock car races. The best night by far was when he drove us to an empty field and left the headlights of the car on, turning the radio up to some cheesy love song station while we danced under the stars. That one was last night and was so romantic it made me want to cry.
Will was honestly incredible and he hadn’t once put pressure on me to sleep with him, which made me even crazier about him. Today was Tuesday so he was due here any minute. I had thrown on a little denim skirt, and plain black V neck top making sure to put on my sexiest underwear. I had definitely made him, and myself, wait long enough. Every time he kissed me my body just craved more and more so I knew tonight was the night.
When he pulled up outside my house, I skipped out to him before he even got fully out of the car. “Hey, handsome,” I flirted as I climbed in the passenger side.
Hi mouth dropped open with an audible pop. “Damn, you look so hot,” he complimented, looking me over slowly.
A blush crept up on my face as I settled myself in the seat. “That was a nice hello,” I teased.
He grinned sheepishly. “Right yeah sorry. Hi, Cutie,” he corrected, leaning over to kiss me. I tangled my hands in the back of his hair and kissed him hungrily. The little moan that he made in the back of his throat seemed to make my skin come alive. “So where to tonight? You said tonight was your choice,” he asked as he pulled away from me and started the car.
I shrugged. “Takeout pizza.”
He frowned, pulling the car out and heading down the road. “Well that’s not very romantic. Where are we eating it? In the park or something?”
“No.” I grinned teasingly. He looked at me expectantly, but I shook my head. “Just drive to the takeout place, I’ll tell you after.” Nervous excitement was bubbling up inside me, and I was starting to chicken out.
Will drove us to the same takeout that we went to after the club the first night we met. While it was cooking he held my hand and kissed around my neck, making goosebumps break out all over my body.
Finally, just as I was about to say to hell with the pizza, it was cooked. Will took the box and walked me back to the car. “So where to?” he asked again.
“Your apartment,” I answered, shrugging. He looked at me with wide eyes, seeming a little taken aback. I shrugged. “I thought we could have a night in with a movie for a change,” I lied. He nodded, frowning, seeming apprehensive. Wait, does he not want to sleep with me or something? Does he understand what I’m offering or does he think I really just want to watch a movie? “You don’t want to?” I asked worriedly.
His face softened instantly. “It’s not that. I just wish you’d told me, that’s all. I could have paid my neighbours kid to come in and tidy up,” he replied, grinning. I burst out laughing, shaking my head in amusement. “My place is a mess, Chloe.” He winced and looked at me, his grey eyes apologetic.
“That’s okay, but maybe you need to start keeping it a little cleaner in case you have company,” I teased.
After a couple of minutes he pulled up outside his building. I climbed out and walked around to where he was waiting for me. His arm wrapped around my waist tightly as he kissed the side of my head. My nerves disappeared as I remembered how easy it was being in his company. It was like I didn’t have to think, everything just came naturally with Will. I slipped my hand into his back pocket squeezing his ass gently as we walked up the stairs to his place.
When I stepped into his apartment, I stifled a laugh. It wasn’t as awful as last time, but it was still a mess. He shot me an apologetic look and watched as I walked into the lounge, sitting on the sofa and kicking my shoes off. He went to the kitchen and came out with two bottles of flavoured water. “This okay? Or I have Pepsi,” he offered, shrugging.
I smiled and took the bottle out of his hand. “That’s good for me, thanks.”
We chatted while we ate and then he put on a movie. He didn’t have much choice and mostly they were your typical guy’s film - violence, blood and guns. We finally agreed on Die Hard 4.0 and settled onto the sofa to watch it.
I snuggled into him, hooking my legs over his, practically sitting in his lap. His hand rested just above my knee making my whole body a couple of degrees hotter. I could barely even concentrate on the movie.
After about an hour I turned my head and pressed my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his delicious smell. He literally smelt good enough to eat. I pressed my lips to his skin. His hold on me tightened as he moaned quietly making me even more excited.
I kissed up his neck slowly and along his jaw line, nibbling on the skin lightly. Okay, time to make the first move, Chloe! I moved my legs and pushed myself up so I was straddling him as I gripped my hands in the back of his hair. His eyes were burning into mine making my whole body tingle and my heart beat erratically in my chest. He moved his hands and put them on the small of my back, pressing lightly making my chest press against his.
I kissed him long and deep, loving the soft feel of his lips against mine. His hands gripped fistfuls of my top at my back as he kissed me so passionately that it felt like my world was spinning slightly too fast. He pulled away just as I was getting a little dizzy. Little kisses were planted down the side of my neck
making me close my eyes and just enjoy the sensation. Everything felt so right that I could barely keep the euphoric smile off of my face. As his hands slid up the back of my top, tickling my skin, his hot tongue traced the V at the front. I gasped, fisting my hands into his hair.
I couldn’t keep still, I wanted more, but I didn’t want this to happen on the sofa. I pushed myself off of him quickly. His eyes snapped up to meet mine, an apologetic look crossed his face. “Sorry, I got carried away again,” he mumbled. I shook my head and took his hand, pulling gently. He frowned, looking at me confused. “Chloe?”
I smiled, pulling him to his feet. “Shh, it’s time to stop talking now.” I gave him a little tug towards what I assumed was his bedroom because it was the only other door in the apartment.
He groaned and followed me, looking ridiculously eager. Once we were in his room he pushed the door shut behind us. I looked around quickly, taking in the clean brown carpet, the well-made bed, the well organised dresser. Hmm, maybe he doesn’t like to sleep with a mess around.
He crashed his lips back to mine, continuing to walk forwards, making me walk backwards to the bed. When my legs hit the side of it I lowered myself down onto it. He didn’t. Instead, he stayed standing up and just looked at me. His face was so lustful I could barely stand it. “Chloe, you are so beautiful,” he cooed, looking me over from my head to my toes and back again. I sat up quickly and gripped his shirt, pulling him roughly down on top of me. He laughed wickedly. “And there was me wanting to take it slow,” he mumbled against my lips.
I giggled guiltily and gripped the bottom of his T-shirt, pulling it off over his head and tossing it on the floor. He’d barely moved yet my whole body was starting to ache with anticipation. “Will, please, if you don’t take me soon I’m gonna die,” I whined.
He smiled, his grey eyes sparkling as he brushed my hair back from my face. “Well I definitely don’t want that,” he whispered, bending his head and kissing me. But it wasn’t the passionate ‘I’m about to make love to you’ kiss; it was a chaste kiss that lasted a split second before he broke it and looked down at me again. “I have something I want to do before this happens,” he said, shifting his weight so he hovered above me, barely touching me.
“What’s that?” I asked breathlessly, gripping his hips with my knees so he couldn’t pull back any further.
He blew out a big breath as his eyebrows knitted together. “I want to ask you this before we sleep together so you know I’m not just asking because I have to or anything. I was actually going to ask you tonight anyway,” he rambled. I smiled reassuringly, nodding in prompt, silently wondering what this was about. “Okay, well, I know it’s maybe a little fast and we’ve not known each other for very long. You can say no if this is too fast for you, it’s fine.” He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, seeming frustrated as he struggled with his words.
What’s got him all nervous and fluttery? He’s never like this usually. “Will, what’s wrong?”
He groaned and then opened his eyes, looking down at me with a pleading expression. “Will you be exclusive with me? Be mine?” he asked quietly. My mouth popped open in shock. He smiled weakly. “I really am crazy about you. Every second I spend with you is better than the one before, but I honestly don’t know how that works, because how the hell can you improve on perfection? But you do all the time. You just amaze me.” A subtle blush coloured his cheeks as he spoke.
I chewed on my lip as my insides seemed to melt into a puddle because of how cute that little speech was and how insecure he looked. Oh my days, he wants to be exclusive with me? He’s never had a girlfriend before, but he wants me? My eyes prickled with happy tears. I felt so special just because the incredible boy wanted me and thought our time together was perfection. My mouth was so dry that I knew I wouldn’t be able to speak, so instead I just nodded in acceptance.
His eyes widened, a smile twitched at the corner of his full pink lips. “Is that a yes?” Hope coloured his voice as he spoke.
“Yes,” I croaked.
He made a little growl of victory and crashed his lips back to mine again. The kiss was different this time. Maybe it was because I was now officially his girlfriend, or maybe it was because we were spread on his bed and both knew what was about to happen. Whatever the reason, the kiss was full of fire and passion, but yet still so sweet and intimate that it made my insides tremble with happiness.
After, we lay in a tangled mess, our bodies slick against the other. I closed my eyes contentedly, just lying in his arms, resting my head on his chest. That experience had been beautiful. He was incredible, patient, passionate, caring, and yet still so mind numbingly good that even now, after a couple of minutes, I was still trying to catch my breath and calm my body. It hadn’t been my first time, I’d been sexually active with my ex-boyfriend, Nick, but because of the emotions and feelings that went into it, it kind of felt like it was my first time. It had been a life altering experience, and I knew that if for whatever reason this didn’t work out with him, he would always be the one I compared everyone else to. He would always be the one that totally rocked my world.
The thought of it not working out made my stomach ache. As I listened to his heart slowly returning to normal, I silently prayed I was enough to keep him interested. He blew out a big breath so I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. He smiled down at me, tracing one finger across my face, down the line of my nose and across my cheekbone. I wasn’t sure what my face looked like, but I would bet my bottom dollar that my expression mirrored his in that moment. He looked enthralled, satisfied and contented.
“So that’s what that feels like,” he said quietly, gripping my waist and pulling me up so my face was level with his.
I looked at him quizzically. He raised his head, peppering little kisses on my face where his finger had been seconds before. I closed my eyes, smiling happily as he clamped me to him. “That’s what what feels like?” I asked breathlessly, realising that I didn’t actually understand what he meant.
He lowered his head back to the pillow. His hand came up to the back of my head, tangling in my hair. “Making love to your girlfriend,” he answered, guiding my mouth back down to his, stealing my breath.
Will honestly was the best boyfriend ever. He was incredibly sweet and attentive, buying me little things and calling and texting me all the time. I was seriously falling hard for him. It had been almost two weeks since he asked me to be exclusive with him and every day just seemed to get better and better. I had spent quite a few nights at his place, which he even cleaned for me, a proper clean too, not just a simple throw the vacuum around type of clean. He didn’t even pay the neighbours kid to come and do it, he did it himself. He continued to take me on inventive dates, each one surpassing the one before in the fun stakes. The passion between us was out of this world too which just seemed like the cherry on top of an extremely well frosted cake.
I was actually pretty sad today. School reopened today and it was my first day as a senior. I didn’t want to go though, this summer had been amazing, and I didn’t want to go back to a normal life of sitting in class all day and having homework assignments at night. I wanted to spend time with Will. Before I even got out of bed I grabbed my phone and checked to see I had a new message from him:
‘Hey Cutie, missed U last night x’
I grinned and text him back that I’d missed him too. We hadn’t spoken much yesterday, actually, we’d spent almost the whole afternoon in his bed, barely saying a word to each other.
I pushed myself up out of the bed reluctantly and took a long shower. My day got even more glum as I remembered I couldn’t even see him tonight as he was going out with his brother, so I would have to wait a full thirty-six hours and see him tomorrow night instead. I sighed and pulled on a pair of high waist Miss Sixty jeans and a black short sleeve top which I tucked in, I pulled on a pair of red ankle boots with an open toe and looked at myself in the mirror, smiling my the outfit choice. I wasn’t
really one that fussed about my appearance that much, so didn’t bother with any make-up. I left my hair down, platting my bangs and clipping them to the side. Once I was satisfied that I was as good as I was going to look, I headed downstairs for breakfast. My mom was cooking waffles and bacon the same as she did on the first day of every school year.
“Hey, honey, oh you look beautiful,” she gushed, smiling at me happily.
I laughed uncomfortably. ‘Beautiful’ wasn’t exactly a term that I applied to myself; though lately I had started to feel prettier all because of the way Will seemed to view me. When he looked at me with those adoring eyes, it was very hard not to feel special. He’d definitely boosted my self-confidence up a few levels.
“You have to say that, you’re my mom,” I replied.
She smiled and set down a plate of waffles. “No I don’t,” she rebutted. “Anyway, here, I made waffles as per tradition.”
I forced a smile, pulling out a stool from under the counter and sitting. I tried not to groan when I looked down at the mountain of food. I wasn’t even remotely hungry. I held in my heavy sigh and picked up my knife and fork. I resisted the urge to pout as I pushed the food round on my plate like a lovesick puppy, pining for my boyfriend that I wouldn’t see for a day and a half. It didn’t sound a terribly long time when said that way, but it was actually the longest time I had spent away from him since we met.
My mom sat down next to me with her breakfast. “So, are you still bringing Will to meet us on Saturday?” she asked, smiling happily.
I felt a little thrill go through me at the mere mention of his name. I nodded, grinning. Will had finally plucked up the courage to want to meet my dad, so we had arranged for him to come over for a barbeque on Saturday afternoon. My friends were coming too; they still hadn’t even met him because I wanted to keep him all to myself for a little while before we integrated into the social network of my friends. I also didn’t want them to embarrass me and say something that would make him run away from me screaming.